086 153 3825 info@leftclick.co.za


Keeping your organization safe against alarming rates of cybercrimes is no easy task. Not only are cyber criminals smarter and more sophisticated than ever before, but they’ve also become much more relentless.

Earlier this year Accenture.com reported that South Africa has the world’s third-highest rate of cybercrime victims with a total loss of R2.2 billion a year.

Is your cybersecurity strategy strong enough to withstand the onslaught? If not, here are seven simple practices that will put you in a much better position.

By being Cyber Smart, you can rest easier knowing that you have taken the best preventative measures you can against cybercrime. 

Anti-virus Protection & Firewall 

Anti-virus (AV) Protection software has been the most prevalent solution to fight malicious attacks. Using a firewall is also important when defending your data against malicious attacks. 

Strong Password 

Create a strong password by using a passphrase substituted with numbers and special characters.


Public Hotspots 

When you connect to a free internet hotspot, hackers can position themselves between you and your work servers. Using a VPN to connect to work significantly mitigates the risk of getting compromised. 

Monitor Your Accounts 

Always monitor your accounts containing your personal information and report suspicious activities to their service providers immediately. 

Update Your Software 

Running software updates helps to secure the software and protects you against critical vulnerabilities used by hackers to access your devices. 

Beware of Phishing 

Phishing is a form of cybercrime that uses mainly email communication to trick people into divulging personal information usually for financial gain. 

A few important tips to remember about phishing schemes are: 

  • Don’t open emails from people you don’t know
  • Beware of urgent or threatening language in the subject line
  • Links can come from friends who have been infected too, so analyze an email first before you click any links. 

Leftclick understands cybercrime, and we are here to help you stay safe online. By being cyber smart, we can equip you with the right tools to fight cyberattacks.   Have a browse over to our Security Solutions to see how we can help you.